One of the best things about Gaeilge is how it captures feelings, nature, and moments in ways that English just doesn’t. Some words sound exactly like what they describe, while others have a poetic quality that makes them a joy to say out loud.
Here are five of our favourite words in Irish – and how to pronounce them:
1. Póigíní Gréine (Poh-gin-ee Gray-nuh) – This is the Irish for freckles, and it literally means “little kisses of the sun.”
2. Lus an Chromchinn (Luss un Krum-kin) – The daffodil. One of the first flowers to appear in spring, and always a sign that brighter days are ahead.
3. Dochloíte (Dukh-klee-tcheh) – Meaning “unstoppable” or “invincible.” A strong, powerful word for when you need a bit of a boost.
4. Smugairle Róin (Smug-er-luh Roh-in) – The Irish for jellyfish. It sounds exactly as wobbly as the creature itself!
5. Sceitimíní (Shket-i-mee-nee) – That feeling of pure excitement or butterflies in your stomach before something big. A fun word to say and an even better feeling to have.
These are just a handful of the many great words in Irish that make it such a special language. This Seachtain na Gaeilge, why not throw a few into conversation or just enjoy how they sound? Bain taitneamh as – enjoy!